Quest Mechanics
Each day, players are presented a twitter image to kick off their quest and each day there are always 2 pieces of information to extract from the image.
The location of the firewall.
What CyberBroker trait is important that day to collect all the community puzzle pieces.
Once on the firewall page, players are prompted to choose a CyberBroker to connect and are returned a unique puzzle piece based on a specific trait for that day's puzzle. The more puzzle pieces that are collected, the easier the puzzle is to solve, but most puzzles can be solved with a few pieces missing.
Once the community has solved a puzzle and entered the password in the mainframe, a decryption process on the firewall begins that has a set time to complete. The more players that connect a wallet containing a real CyberBroker during this time increases the power attacking the firewall and breaks it down quicker (Linking a wallet using one of the 3 stock CyberBrokers provided for players without a CyberBroker to play will not affect the timer).
Once a firewall timer ends, players are presented with a DNA profile. There are 5 DNA profiles to collect to solve the final mystery of the CyberBrokers!
Day 1 - VDreamscapes
Website Link:
Firewall Link:
![Twitter avatar for @CyberBrokers_](
Trailhead Image
Firewall Location Solution
The windows in the upper right skyscraper have a “/ (block of window) - (block of windows)” to indicate you are looking for a url path to add to the website. The window lights are a bacon cipher (using unique u/v, i/j characters) with lit window = B, unlit = A, that decode to /virtual-homestead”
Trait Solution
This solution is given in plaintext with the letters MIND lighting up windows in the bottom right
Community Firewall Puzzle Solution
When players connect their wallet to the firewall, they receive a unique set of words based on the MIND trait of the CyberBroker they connect.
For example, connecting a CyberBroker with a mind stat of 1 will return the following data
The lead /// is a commonly used format created by what3words to provide a geolocation anywhere in the world using just 3 words and supported by google. These coordinates are actually a connecting the dots, that when plotted on a map will reveal a letter. In some cases, players received a single point, indicating a period.
The full set of data collected by players is shown below
This results in the message ROADBLOCK.GATEKEEPER.DIVISIBLE which is another set of what3words
This leads to the famous Frank Lloyd Wright house FALLING WATER which is the answer for the first firewall
ANSWER: fallingwater
Day 2 - Polymeta Laboratory
Website Link:
Firewall Link:
![Twitter avatar for @CyberBrokers_](
Trailhead Image
Firewall Location Solution
There is an element structure in the background that doesn’t follow normal chemical structure. Its is actually a Base 64 stringL3Vuc3RhYmxlLWNvbXBvdW5k
That decodes to /unstable-compund
Trait Solution
Looking at the four flasks on the table, each has a set of bubbles in them that when counted give 2, 15, 4, 25 bubbles, that when converted to letters give BODY
Community Firewall Puzzle Solution
When players connect their wallet to the firewall, they receive a unique string of numbers based on the BODY trait of the CyberBroker they connect.
For example, connecting a CyberBroker with a body stat of 3 (there is no CyberBroker with a 1 or 2 body stat) will return the following data
20:12 7:1
This is a book cipher using the periodic table as your “book”, so in this example you would find element 20 (Ca) and take letters 1 and 2 from its symbol and repeat for element 7 (N) to get the word CAN
Below is a full list of output and their translations
Players now have a list of seemingly unrelated words. They need to look around the website to find a blog post that contains an interactive Periodic Table of Elements ( This periodic table has exactly 14 elements that have had their atomic weights drastically changed.
For example Hydrogen’s atomic mass is 1.008, but on the chart is given as 3.208. The values changed are always the numbers before and after the decimal point The full list of elements and their changed values are given below.
There are 14 elements and 28 words found with the CyberBroker puzzle pieces. There is a word association where an element can be added to the front of each word to make a commonly found item, ie. TIN Can, CHLORINE Bleach. Each element will be used exactly twice. From here, it should be noticed each element provides 2 numbers with the changed atomic mass, ie. Hydrogen gives 3 and 2. Using the first number given and applying it the first appearance of that element and the second for the second appearance, ie. for Hydrogen, 3 goes to Hydrogen Peroxide which appears first, and 2 goes to Hydrogen Bomb which appear second. These numbers are index values on which letter to extract from the puzzle words, ie. for Hydrogen 3, extract the third letter of Peroxide for R.
This gives the phrase CARBON HYDROGEN TWO CHLORINE TWO or CH2Cl2 which is better known as Dichloromethane
ANSWER: dichloromethane
Day 3
Website Link:
Firewall Link:
![Twitter avatar for @CyberBrokers_](
Trailhead Image
Firewall Location Solution
The discount code in the bottom right HTNURN-NVJHI can be decoded with a vigenere cipher using the key PANDA to give /starry-night
Trait Solution
Looking closely at the stars to the left and right of the logo can find certain stars connected with lines to spell the word TALENT
Community Firewall Puzzle Solution
When players connect their wallet to the firewall, this time they dont get an output, but instead an error occurs and they can press the debug button. Pressing this button pushes booking details to the main website in the form of a popup on the bottom bar about a new trip someone just booked. The first name of the message is unique to the player, but the last name initial and the trip being booked is unique to the talent of the CyberBroker linked.
For example, connecting a CyberBroker with a Leftover Talent will return the data below (there are 51 talents, but only 25 puzzle pieces, so 2 different talents will return the same data for redundancy with how rare some talents are)
[first name] Y. just booked a honeymoon trip! Fresh from the altar and ready to celebrate!
Connecting enough different talents will generate all A-Y trips (the 25 most common talents were enough to get all data)
Below is a full list of trips
[first name] A. just booked a trip! We hear that's a good spot to take a easel and paint the scenery!
[first name] B. just booked a trip to see the King of Ethiopia!
[first name] C. just booked a trip and added the hunting excursion!
[first name] D. just booked a trip - don't miss the festival of the dragon!
[first name] E. just booked a trip to the home of the toucans!
[first name] F. just booked a trip - take an excursion to swan lake!
[first name] G. just booked a trip and added an excursion to hike the top of table mountain!
[first name] H. just booked a trip - we love the the native ram delicacy there!
[first name] I. just booked a trip - lots of history to explore there at the seat of the charioteer
[first name] J. just booked a trip and added the swimming with porpoises excursion!
[first name] K. just booked a trip - raise a cup for us while you're there!
[first name] L. just booked a trip - don't miss chameleon jungle!
[first name] M. just booked a trip to see the Princess of Ethiopia!
[first name] N. just booked a trip - home of the herdsman!
[first name] O. just booked a trip and added the carpenter's skill excursion.
[first name] P. just booked a trip - don't miss the pride of big cats safari
[first name] Q. just booked a trip and added the flying fish fishing excursion!
[first name] R. just booked a trip - the ciry central furnace is a technological marvel not to miss!
[first name] S. just booked a trip - if you go camping, watch out of the big bears!
[first name] T. just booked a trip - don't miss drivng by the fields of birds of paradise.
[first name] U. just booked a trip to see the Queen of Ethiopia!
[first name] V. just booked a trip and added the river cruise excursion!
[first name] W. just booked a trip and added the sailing excursion - don't forget your octant!
[first name] X. just booked a trip - make sure you stop by the museum of the argonaut's ship sail.
[first name] Y. just booked a honeymoon trip! Fresh from the altar and ready to celebrate!
There is additional information needed to solve this puzzle. Hidden throughout the website by clicking different images, links, testimonials, website headers, etc. will lead you to an image of a constellation with a star highlighted.
For example, clicking this telescope at the bottom takes you to this image (there are 25 to find)
The full list of image is provided below
The last piece of info needed is to find the image on the page labeled hint which is this image with the words SEA and SKY highlighted
Telling you to refer to the site which provides all constellations given.
From here, players can begin piecing everything together. Each trip describes a constellation based on its name. For example: “[first name] A. just booked a trip! We hear that's a good spot to take a easel and paint the scenery!” The mention of Easel is talking about the Pictor Constellation, which was given as in image (
This image has a star highlighted that if you reference will give you a number.
This is an index value to be used on the constellation name PICTOR which in this case would give T. The full extract is given below.
This gives the phrase THIRTY EIGHTH MOON OF JUPITER, which when you look at a list of moons ( and find the one labeled XXXVIII (38) which gives Pasithee
ANSWER: pasithee
Day 4
Website Link:
Firewall Link:
![Twitter avatar for @CyberBrokers_](
Trailhead Image
Firewall Location Solution
Looking closely at the lighted circuits starting on the left side of the image you can see a sequence of dots and dashes that are morse and decode to we-can-fix-it. Unlike previous days, players need to enter this command into the terminal using “maintenance we-can-fix-it” to be led to the firewall
Trait Solution
Looking at the center circuit, this can be decoded as semaphore using the light connectors as the center of the arms.
Separating the 4 elements and decoding gives the word SOUL
Community Firewall Puzzle Solution
When players connect their wallet to the firewall, they receive a unique string based on the SOUL trait of the CyberBroker they connect.
For example, connecting a CyberBroker with a Soul value of 1 will return the data below
Below is a full list of output (Note: Soul 2 gives an additional hint to help solve as this string is given as a default on an image found later in the terminal)
To begin using these strings, players must also find the circuit board they go to. These can be found by typing the commands “power” and “eleven” in the terminal which each returning a unique circuit board labeled A and B and a labeled word of POWER and ELEVEN
This is a blackbox puzzle where each Integrated circuit is a blackbox. This means an input will go in, and an unknown transformation will be applied and a new output will come out. It it up to the players to determine the transformation being applied by each IC in the circuit using the information given by the puzzle. To begin, players must first rebuild the circuit boards using the information given by the firewall.
For Example, a player receives ROBOT > A1 > A27 > ROUTERS. This means ROBOT is input into slot A1, A1 node is connected to A27 node with a wire, and the output of A27 is ROUTERS. Completing the full circuit will allow players to start deducing the transformation that is applied at each step, and then passing the words POWER and ELEVEN through each IC to solve the puzzle. A full list of transformations is listed below.
ANSWER: gunters paradise
Day 5
Website Link:
Firewall Link:
![Twitter avatar for @CyberBrokers_](
Trailhead Image
Firewall Location Solution
The back wall contains lit dots which represents binary read left to right (unlit=0, lit = 1)
That when decoded gives /two-left-feet
Trait Solution
Certain tiles on the floor are lit up pink. Taking just these pink tiles as braille pips reveals the word NAME
Community Firewall Puzzle Solution
When players connect their wallet to the firewall, they receive a unique sequence of dance moves based on the NAME of the CyberBroker they connect.
For example, connecting a CyberBroker with the first letter of A will return the data below
(4, 14)👣⬆️↖️👣↖️👣⬅️👣
Below is a full list of output
Players will also need to notice the dance floor on the website will flash briefly showing an array of pink/blue lights.
They will also need to find the “hint” on the webpage which is the slogan of the dance club “Dance till the Lights go Out” with Lights Out blinking, indicating this is a giant version of the game Lights Out and you must dance to turn lights on/off per standard rules. (
Each set of dance moves gives a starting location (with bottom left being (1,1). Each footstep icon indicates to click the light and flip the state of the lights that are orthogonal to the button clicked. Then a player moves according to the given direction and click again for each subsequent footstep icon.
Starting Grid
Completing all moves as given will result in the grid below
Which is a Datamatrix code, that can be scanned to reveal the answer of glitchin' moves
ANSWER: glitchin’ moves
Final Puzzle
Each firewall as it falls, reveals the DNA profile of a specific broker. There are 5 DNA profiles players collect, shown below.
The Subjects
Looking at the CyberBroker numbers shows they are 1916, 1209, 2000, 0414, and 0100. This can be broken up into pairs of two for 19 16 12 09 20 00 04 14 01 which when converted to letters spells SPLIT DNA, indicating to “unzip” the DNA strands.
Looking closely at the DNA strings shows a dot of where to start from on the upper right
Collecting the colors of the right half of the spiral and then the left half of the spiral will give a DNA strand (Note only colors are important, not identification of TAGC)
Repeating this process for all 5 DNA profiles reveals the shocking truth hidden within CyberBrokers all along
Hi! I am too confused on this, may I ask how can we possibly join?
best proyect ever.